Certificate of the FUNDGO Creative Startup Investment Fund

CCQ có giá trị như khoản đầu tư vào Quỹ

Certificate of the FUNDGO Creative Startup Investment Fund

CCQ có giá trị như
khoản đầu tư vào Quỹ

Chứng chỉ Quỹ được số hóa, lưu ký và xác thực bởi TSS

Chứng chỉ Quỹ được số hóa, lưu ký và xác thực bởi TSS

Chứng chỉ Quỹ đầu tư Khởi nghiệp Sáng tạo FUNDGO là giấy tờ có giá được Quỹ đầu tư Khởi nghiệp Sáng tạo FUNDGO phát hành theo điều lệ của Quỹ quy định tại Luật hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa, Chứng chỉ Quỹ FUNDGO có giá trị như 1 khoản đầu tư vào quỹ, sinh lợi mỗi ngày, an toàn, dễ dàng chuyển nhượng ngay khi cần tiền để nhận lợi suất hấp dẫn cho từng thời hạn năm giữ dành cho thành viên của quỹ.

With the establishment of the investment fund, Trustpay Fund Management Company must comply with stringent state regulations, ensuring that investors do not need to worry about their money being used for unclear purposes.

Chứng chỉ Quỹ đầu tư Khởi nghiệp Sáng tạo FUNDGO được số hóa, lưu ký và xác thực bằng công nghệ Blockchain cung cấp bởi nền tảng giao dịch của:

TSS – Trung tâm Quản lý Tài sản số thuộc Liên hiệp Khoa học Doanh nhân Việt Nam.

TSS là đơn vị phát hành NFT Passport of Blockchain cho các dự án và quỹ đầu tư trong và ngoài nước đạt các tiêu chí thẩm định nghiêm ngặt về thông tin và chất lượng. Vì thế, việc TSS xác thực các Chứng chỉ Quỹ của FUNDGO là bằng chứng cho sự chuyên nghiệp cũng như uy tín của Ban điều hành và đội ngũ Quỹ.

The FUNDGO Creative Startup Investment Fund Certificate is a valuable document used to confirm the ownership of capital contributions to the fund/the number of fund units held by each contributing investor. It is issued by decision of the General Meeting of Investors in accordance with the Fund's Charter and relevant legal regulations.

The FUNDGO Fund Certificate is equivalent to an investment in the Fund, generating daily returns. It is safe and can be easily transferred when funds are needed, offering attractive yields for various holding periods to the Fund's investors.

Fund Management Company

With the establishment of the investment fund, Trustpay Fund Management Company must comply with stringent state regulations, ensuring that investors do not need to worry about their money being used for unclear purposes.

FUNDGO Fund Certificate

Digitized, stored, and authenticated using Blockchain technology.

Authentication unit

The authentication of FUNDGO fund certificates by TSS is evidence of the professionalism and credibility of the Fund's management team.

TSS - Digital Asset Management Center under the Vietnam Union of Science and Business Associations

Benefits of the FUNDGO Fund Certificate

Generate daily profits

Periodic profits, actual receipts of up to

  • 3-month cycle: 8% annually
  • 6-month cycle: 9.2% annually

Invest with peace of mind

The FUNDGO Fund operates in accordance with Decree No. 38/2018/ND-CP. The FUNDGO Creative Startup Investment Fund Certificate is issued by the General Meeting of Investors in accordance with the Fund's Charter.

Flexible liquidity

  • Simple and fast transactions using VNDC
  • Minimize transaction fees

The FUNDGO Fund Certificate is suitable for those who

Have idle funds and are waiting for opportunities

Are looking to invest and generate daily profits

Are seeking investment options with flexible liquidity

Terms of Use


Interest-receiving term

3 months and 6 months


Low denomination
Easy participation

Begin your investment journey with just 10,000 VND per Fund Certificate, shaping a prosperous future.


Transactions on ONUS

The app has over 4 million users from 20 countries.


Interest rate

The interest rate is fully preserved throughout the term, providing peace of mind and asset growth for investors.

Operating mechanism

Each transaction is only from 100,000 VND, equivalent to 10 Fund Certificates (CCQ).

Absolute security provided by the Cystack system - the leading cybersecurity company in Vietnam. Delivering utmost security for investors.

Interest milestones

Interest rate when holding CCQ 100 million 200 million 500 million 1 billion
3-month term
(8% annually)
1,972,602 VND 4,536,986 VND 9,863,013 VND 19,726,027 VND
6-month term
(9.2% annually)
4,536,986 VND 9,073,972 VND 22,684,931  VND 45,369,863 VND

Illustrative example

Benefits enjoyed


Mr. Tan decides to purchase a 6-month term Fund Certificate issued by the FUNDGO Creative Startup Investment Fund. The amount is 200 million VND. Due to its guaranteed interest, safety, and sustainability.

So the interest rate for the amount of 200 million VND over 180 days Mr. Tan will receive

Profit: 9,073,972 VND

So the interest rate for the amount of 200 million VND over 180 days Mr. Tan will receive

Profit: 9,073,972 VND

Guide to purchasing FUNDGO fund certificates on ONUS

Step 01 – On the main screen, scroll down to the Apps section and select "Add"

Step 02 – Open the FUNDGO feature

Step 03 – Here, you can buy/sell FUNDGO fund certificates. The fixed price is 1 FUNDGO CCQ = 10,000 VNDC.

Guide to investing in FUNDGO CCQ, earning up to 9.2% profit

After owning FUNDGO CCQ, investors can deposit CCQ to earn interest with 02 terms:

  • Interest-receiving term of 3 months: Interest rate of 8% per year
  • Interest-receiving term of 6 months: Interest rate of 9.2%