
FUNDGO Center for Innovative Business Investment, Research and Development to Be Established by TRUSTpay and FUNDGO


With the goal of promoting the sustainable development of Vietnam's innovative startup ecosystem, TRUSTpay Joint Stock Company and FUNDGO Startup and Innovation Fund decided to launch FUNDGO Center for Innovative Business Investment, Research and Development. 

Currently, given the fourth industrial revolution, building a strong innovative startup ecosystem is the focus of the State. This is also considered one of the key solutions to the development of enterprises, contributing to the country's economic growth. Aspiring to promote innovation activities and help Vietnamese businesses maintain competitiveness to reach out to the world market, FUNDGO and TRUSTpay - the fund managing company, introduced FUNDGO Center for Innovative Business Investment, Research and Development. ecosystem, TRUSTpay Joint Stock Company and FUNDGO Startup and Innovation Fund decided to launch FUNDGO Center for Innovative Business Investment, Research and Development. 

The Center will invest, support and accompany innovative startup enterprises.

The Center was born to support innovative startups within and without the Mekong Delta. Additionally, the Center aims to strengthen research and investment in potential innovative projects. Besides, the Center will maximize resources to create a firm foundation for the development of enterprises while enabling them to connect with investors as well as apply modern science and technology into their business. 

Sharing about the establishment, Mr. Nguyen Chi Cong - CEO of TRUSTpay said, “The Mekong Delta is now promoting search for new genetic resources that are better adapted to the industrial revolution to help our country's economy maintain sustainable competitiveness. In particular, breakthrough technological inventions will improve the quality of Vietnamese goods to meet the strict requirements of the international market. Therefore, TRUSTpay and FUNDGO decided to invest in an innovation center to aid enterprises and startups to apply science and technology into production and business. That is also the reason for the formation of FUNDGO Innovation Enterprise Investment, Research and Development Center.”

The establishment ceremony of the Center will officially take place on December 9, 2022 at Can Tho Science and Technology Application. 

Information about the ceremony:

- Time: 8:00 AM, Friday, December 9, 2022

- Location: Can Tho Science and Technology Application, No. 166 Nguyen Van Cu, An Binh Ward, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City.

Contact information:

Address: Floor 1, No. 81 Nguyen Hien Street, 91B Residential Area, An Khanh Ward, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City

Tel: +84 292 3636 079

Email: [email protected]



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