
FUNDGO Maximizes Its Role as an Investment Fund, Empowering Students with Innovative Startup Ideas


In recent years, Vietnam's innovation startup ecosystem has grown strongly. Universities are deemed to play a crucial and indispensable part in building a national entrepreneurship ecosystem. Therefore, FUNDGO Startup and Innovation Fund puts great emphasis on investing in education as well as supporting students to get their initiatives off the ground. 

Currently, education is regarded as one of the backbone of the national innovation ecosystem with the mission of providing high-quality human resources, promoting scientific and technical progress, transferring knowledge, and equipping skills for entrepreneurship and innovation. During the policy dialogue session themed "Promoting the startup ecosystem for students and the roles of schools, businesses, investment funds and local authorities", Mr. Hoang Minh Son, Deputy Minister of Education and Training, has emphasized the importance of education, especially universities, in fostering the national entrepreneurship ecosystem. Mr. Son affirmed, “If startup is divided into three stages including inspiration, ideas, and solutions and business management, education takes a pivotal part in all of the three phases”. Realizing the importance of the education industry, investment funds also focus on assisting schools in orienting students to start a business. 

After school, students actively cultivate knowledge and skills about innovation startup. 

According to statistics, startup and innovation funds perform an essential part in developing the national startup ecosystem. Specifically, these funds will help students reduce their financial stress, realize ideas, and contribute to promoting innovation activities within universities. Since its establishment, FUNDGO has maximized its role in promoting innovative startup at colleges and universities in and outside the Mekong Delta. The Fund also gives special attention to the young generation, particularly students in Can Tho City. In April 2022, FUNDGO cooperated with Can Tho University and Can Tho University of Technology to organize career guidance and counseling programs for students. With the desire to seek bright talents and startup ideas from students, FUNDGO sponsored the contest "Potential startup projects 2022" among undergraduates of Can Tho University. Besides, to encourage the spirit of learning and inspire self-improvement, the Fund has awarded scholarships to students, alumni, and lecturers of FPT Polytechnic College, who have a good knowledge of programming, graphic design and blockchain. The total funding value is up to 200,000,000 VND, including training costs and study allowance for 2 months. 

Mr. Nguyen Chi Cong - CEO of FUNDGO’s managing company (on the left) awards scholarships to students of FPT Polytechnic College.

In September 2022, FUNDGO sponsored Finnovation 2022 - the first national competition on FinTech startups in Vietnam. With its sound resources, the Fund is ready to support students to realize their ideas and initiatives, hence incubating more talents for the country. The Fund sponsored the final round of the contest "Students with startup ideas in the Mekong Delta, 1st time, 2022". Through the contest, FUNDGO and other co-organizers successfully created a useful playground where students could learn and share knowledge, promote creativity and gain more skills in entrepreneurship to confidently introduce their innovative products and ideas to the community.

 FUNDGO’s representative gives awards to excellent candidates at the contest.

In the future, FUNDGO will expand connections with more schools to bolster support for students starting a business as well as build a network of knowledge connection and innovation in Vietnam. The Fund will also coordinate with other institutions and businesses to give scholarships, encourage the spirit of learning and creativity, and help students have more faith in their chosen paths.



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